Introduction As we all known, prcomp funcion can be used to run principle component analysis. However, if use default arguments
Introduction To run code in parallel by "foreach" and "doParallel" package. Code exmaple library(foreach) library(doParallel) cl
Introduction The processed scRNA data dowloaded from GEO were alwalys like this. Files of multiple samples were deposited together. But
Introduction I found process was shut down due to low memory when I merged multiple seurat objects from different patients.
Introduction Several data are shared in NCBI website, so knowning the methods for downloading data is necessary, especialy for people
Introduction The following are the codes for classifying the samples according to the distance from the centroids of reference class.
Introduction The following are the codes for GO and KEGG enrichment. Code exmaple library(clusterProfiler) library(enrichplot) library(tidyverse) library(magrittr) library(data.table) library( setwd(“/home/hxzk/project/XXX/KEGG/”)
Introduction The following are the codes for drawing a volcano plot with ggplot2 Code exmaple #Load package and read file
Introduction H5ad files were uploaded as available data in some paper of scRNA. But I always analysis scRNA data by
Introduction Somethimes we need to transform gene ID of MicroArray data to gene symbol. For example, "AFFX-LysX-3_at", we don’t known